When an autistic teen meets a wild stallion.

Roaming free, hoof beats, heart beats. An elegant presence that exudes strength. A protector, hovering, watching over his family. Softness for the mares, kindness for the youngsters. Bold courage for anything that threatens them.
His freedom taken, replaced with the straight lines of cattle yards and the smell of something different. Humans.
He feels like he doesn't belong here.
As he settles into his new world he finds comfort in something very foreign to him. Its a human. A very special human. Her energy feels different. Softer, more in tune with his.
She sometimes feels like she doesn't belong in this world either.
But as they spend time together both horse and human find a place where they belong.
There's still hoofbeats. There's still heartbeats. Though, this time there are two hearts beating in sync. A calmness washes over each being.
They both feel safe here.